Sunday, 16 October 2011

Saguaro Cactus Flower

Saguaro cactus blossoms photo by Rael B on Flickr -
noncommercial use permitted with attribution / share alike
The state flower of Arizona is the saguaro cactus flower.The plural of cactus is cacti (cac-tie) not cactuses, although this 'new' word seems to be popping up more often and gaining in acceptability. Saguaro flowers are self incompatible thus require cross pollination. Large quantities of pollen are required for complete pollination as there are numerous ovules. A well-pollinated fruit will contain several thousand tiny seeds. The flowers remain open into the daylight hours and continue to produce nectar after sunrise. Doves and bees appear to be the primary daytime pollinators for saguaro cactus flower.

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